We’d just been for a swim, and noticed some hermit crabs being rolled around by the tide. My phone was with my clothes back at the cliff edge, so I watched them for a bit before walking back to dry off. Pip wanted to play catch, so Amy walked back out to the sea, and I walked behind taking photos. I remembered the hermit crabs, and started videoing to tide rolling out. I couldn’t see too well beneath the water: sand/shells/water/bubbles/reflections/wind. Getting lost in the patterns while looking for hermits, finding them, wobbling around, and went over to see Amy and Pip playing fetch. My towel got in the way while walking, bright blue; played with that a bit. Pip in his element, I started chasing waves. Shaky-cam for a bit, bubbles/waves/sky, and walking through the water. A wave splashes and I get in it, soaking my phone. I use my towel to dry it, zooming in and out: blue/pip/purple/sand. Walking back I record the sand, thinking to stop, and see the sun reflected, so walk with this for a while: sun/sand/sea/shells, and pull out to Amy and Pip running back to our stuff. Then we drove home.

iPhone 13 pro, 02/08/23